Nestled within Century City’s iconic high rises is a storied filming destination responsible for some of the world’s most unforgettable entertainment. Through the productions that have been brought to life on the FOX Studio Lot, families witnessed a Miracle on 34th Street, the world fell in love with the Sound of Music, the fourth major American television network was launched, live sports broadcasting was revolutionized, and FOX viewers gained an insatiably mischievous kid brother named Bart Simpson and so much more.
Now, nearly 100 years since filming began on the FOX Studio Lot, the new Fox Corporation, which was established in 2019, is seeking to create the studio of the future amidst the continued evolution of Century City, one of the most prestigious business districts in all of Los Angeles. Given the stunning growth in global entertainment production over the last decade and the company’s long-term strategy, FOX has thoughtfully planned and prepared for the future, ensuring that LA remains the capital of the global entertainment industry.